Dear Friends,
At 2:00 this afternoon I received an urgent call from Tania Kontor, the Director at our Agape Children’s Home. Three young children were in desperate need of rescue. They were living on the street and needed immediate intervention. Could we take them in?
For a moment, my heart hesitated. Would we be able to fit them in? Did we have enough staff to care for them? But then I thought of these three small helpless kids, with no home, no hope, and no help. I could not say no – so I said, “Yes! We will take them in at ACH!”
The children arrived less than two hours later – and were immediately welcomed into our family. We don’t know their names or their ages, but we estimate that they are about 4 years old, 2 years old, and 4 months old. The Department of Social Welfare is investigating to try to locate any relative who can identify the children. But for now, we have named them Matthew, David, and Rachel.
My heart is overflowing with compassion for these three precious children. What a privilege God has given us at Agape to be entrusted with the lives of His little ones. I can think of no better way to celebrate the new year than to receive new children into our care.
Rescuing orphans and abandoned kids is what Agape Children’s Home is all about. Since July of 2000, we’ve opened our hearts and home to hundreds of children in need. By God’s grace, we’ve become one of the leading Children’s Care Homes in West Africa – rescuing lost children and raising them to become tomorrow’s leaders.
But we can’t do it alone. We need your generous support to be able to continue this work and to keep our door open to all who need our help.
As we come to the close of the year, I’m appealing to you today to make an end-of-year gift to help us with our Rescue Fund and other urgent projects. Your generous support throughout 2021 has helped us accomplish great things here in West Africa. Even though times are challenging, God is moving in many mighty ways. I truly believe we have more opportunities to impact eternity now than ever before.
Please prayerfully consider making a last-minute year-end tax-deductible gift before the IRS’s December 31, 2021 deadline.
To give, please visit and click on our Ministry Catalogue to see some of our current projects and how you can help.
Thank you for investing in God’s Kingdom work here in West Africa! May the Lord bless you mightily in 2022.
Yours for the Cause that Counts,
Rick and Donna Whitcomb